TOUR INDONESIA: Traditional Pasola on the island of Sumba | TOUR TREVEL INDONESIA

TOUR INDONESIA: Traditional Pasola on the island of Sumba

Pasola is part of a series of traditional ceremonies conducted by the WHO Sumba still adhered to the original religion called Marapu. Every year in February or March a series of traditional ceremonies conducted in order to invoke the blessing of the gods in order to harvest the year with good success. The Culmination of a series of traditional ceremonies conducted Earlier Several days is what is called Pasola. Pasola is 'at war' are Carried out by two groups of riding. Each group comprised of more than 100 youth bersenjakan spear made ​​of wood about kira1,5 cm in diameter were left blunt ends. Although the blunt spear, sometimes Pasola Casualties and even fatalities. But there was no resentment in Pasola, if still curious Pasola please wait until the next year. If there is a victim in Pasola, According Marapu trust, the victim gets a punishment from the gods for having had committed an offense or mistake. If you are curious, please watch his videos on antoniustube following:

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