By Unknown Rabu, 19 November 2014 TOUR INDONESIA: Underwater Paradise in Wakatobi (Sulsel) Here goes underwater paradise that is so amazing, just in Wakatobi, South Sulawesi, you must watch the video below, your curiosity will be ...
By Unknown 13.11 Newsberita: Banjir di Kel.Palmerah RT 009 RW 015 (JKT.Barat), Jumat 14/11/2014 The rain Ex. Palmerah (JAKARTA) started at 13:24 pm-15:00 pm, has been inundating residential adult orng knee, Friday 14 November 2014. ...
By Unknown 13.09 TOUR INDONESIA: Enchantment Lake Toba (Sumatera) Enchantment Lake Toba, would have much to know, but not as much enjoy the beauty that dirawarkan by Lake Toba, for that you all will be mad...
By Unknown 13.08 TOUR INDONESIA: Waterfall Charm Madakaripura (Probolinggo, Jawa Timur) Niagara Madakaripura is one of the waterfalls in the area of Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. This waterfall has a height of about 2...
By Unknown 13.06 TOUR INDONESIA: Rinjani mountain charm and Segar Anak Lake (Lombok) The charm of Mount Rinjani is so amazing, there has never been lihatkan crowned mountain there is a lake, if you are curious See a video th...
By Unknown Selasa, 11 November 2014 TOUR INDONESIA: Shooting Film The Golden Cane Warior, in Sumba Island The latest film Mira Lesmana, Gold Stick Swordsman (The Golden Cane Warior) is a drama film that location klosal sootingnya taken on the i...
By Unknown 00.28 TOUR INDONESIA: Natural Charm Raja Ampat (Papua) This time, Indonesia Tour: featuring charms of Raja Ampat in Papua. when you see this video, I think you agree if indeed deserve to be ...